I Never Thought I Would Say THIS in a Church Meeting

During our Awaken New England conference this past weekend, there was a moment where the Holy Spirit fell on the entire building.  There were a few of those moments, actually.  But one in particular involved a call to every single person in the hotel conference center: it’s time to get up and move.  Literally, get out of your seat and walk around, praying for New England and prophesying Heaven’s destiny over the territory.  The people did it!  I don’t know if I have ever seen an entire room get up and engage in mobile, bold, fiery prayer like that.  And the good news is we can have boldness in prayer to the degree we have a revelation of God’s will.

I can tell you, 100%, what God’s will is for New England based on Scripture… based on a 100% certain end-times prophecy uttered from the very mouth of God Himself:

 “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh…” (Joel 2:28)

The last days outpouring, later announced by the Apostle Peter on the Day of Pentecost, is not for the church; it’s for the Earth.  It’s for the Earth through the Church.  It’s not intended for “all Christians” or all Charismatic / Pentecostals “open to that kind of stuff.”  Consider carefully the prophesied words of Joel: all flesh is the target of Heaven.  And “all flesh” includes New England, California, Europe and every other “hard” territory that, in the natural, we’ve mistakenly declared off limits to God.  We are living in the days when no one and no geography is safe from the Holy Spirit.  He will pour out on all flesh.


Back to the CRAZY THING I said…

There was another session unlike anything I had ever been in.  Jehovah Nissi, the Lord Our Banner, manifested Himself powerfully in our midst.  Towards the end, I felt a provocation to have all of the banners upraised and the flags / streamers to be swinging (for those experienced with Pentecostal worship, you know what I’m talking about).  Sometimes, in the natural, we need to give physical expression to what is happening in the spiritual.  I sensed Jehovah Nissi raising a banner of victory over the New England territory, assuring His people that, as Beni Johnson used to proclaim, “God’s got this.”

 As people were waving their banners all across the room, truly experiencing a taste of Jehovah Nissi’s powerful Presence, I saw a man off to the side, carrying a shofar.  Before I caught myself (or edited myself for that matter), I called out to him: “Blow that shofar, buddy boy.”  The first (and hopefully the last) time I’ve ever called out to someone in a church service “Buddy Boy.”  But he joined right in the chorus of victory, blasting that shofar.


What Is God Doing in New England?

I want to bottom line this update with a clear, measurable report of what God did during our meetings, and what is on the horizon:

  • All seven sessions were absolutely filled with the powerful Presence of the Holy Spirit: fresh baptisms in the Holy Spirit, prophecy in operation, people being encouraged, and refreshed.

  • People filled the altars in every session.

  • We prayed regularly for healing and miracles: and the most encouraging part of this was that the people who attended the event all participated in praying for each other.  As we receive miracle testimonies, we want to make sure we update you.

  • We did a Revival Question / Answer panel… and the Holy Spirit fell with holy laughter, fire and prophecy. 

  • We had representation from nearly all of the New England states… and I am convinced those people will return to their territories carrying the fire of revival.

  • Decrees were reversed that spoke death and dryness over the land.

What’s next?  This is not a “one and done” kind of conference; Tommy and Miriam Evans, along with myself, sense a real assignment to New England.  We are convinced God wants to re-brand the spiritual narrative concerning this geography. 

  • In October, we are going to be in New Jersey twice, back to back, the weekends of September 30 (Basking Ridge) and October 8-9 in Hopelawn).

  • We feel very strongly about hosting gatherings in Vermont and New Hampshire between now and March / April (most likely, it will be in March or April).  We will do one night of prayer, intercession and prophetic breakthrough over the land, a revival training session, and then a Holy Spirit Encounter gathering.

  • We are finalizing dates for May where we will host a national Pentecostal Fire gathering in Maine.  (Stay tuned)

How do we keep the fire burning?  Above all, we need to share the Good News.  We need to declare the evangel.  We must give God great glory by being bold and loud with our testimonies of His power at work in our lives.  The body of Christ sharing testimony of what the Holy Spirit is doing will re-write the narrative over New England, no doubt.